On Targets

Vlad Strukov, a researcher from the University of Leeds, and Dave Lynch, a digital artist, are exploring the nature of data by using projections on clouds.

Whilst we circulate the collected combined 4 symbol image, I thought I would do a little more research on targets in relation to our earlier conversations about the idea of sending a signal, I thought to look at analogue devices in the past have achieved the opposite of capturing the sky with targets.

Étienne-Jules Marey, french scientist, inventor and pioneer of early cinema invented the photographic gun for the study of movement by capturing birds onto film.

I presume that this was the inspiration for the training camera guns of the first and second world wars, where 16mm film was replaced as ammunition.

Following this research online lead me to the philosopher Paul Virillo who wrote War and Cinema – are you ofay with his work?

Technology cannot exist without the potential for accidents. For example, the invention of the locomotive also contained the invention of derailment. Virilio sees the Accident as a rather negative growth of social positivism and scientific progress. The growth of technology, namely television, separates us directly from the events of real space and real time. We lose wisdom, lose sight of our immediate horizon and resort to the indirect horizon of our dissimulated environment.

REF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Virilio – on 4/11/2012

On other readings and reviews of his books, I became interested in how he sees the dissimulated environment or mis-information as being one of the greatest threats to scientific growth.

With this in mind and other thoughts on the above, how do you feel to re-simplifying the 4 symbols as 1 back to separate symbols again ?

The combination of the 4 as a overlayed image becomes hard to read and could have the opposite impact in misreading or leading to misinformation.


1 comment
  1. vstrukov said:

    I find this practice of shooting at the aky quite fascinating – I should aim to explore it in relation to early cinematic practices when I have a chance. I am trying to find out about the history of the control of aviation space at the moment. Meanwhile I looked at the 2 images you sent and I think they are fantastic! At the same time I take your point about the difficulty in projecting them as overlayed images over a cloud. In terms of the project meaning / message I think it does not matter whether it is a sequential presentation of the images (1-2-3-4) or projection of a single image which in itself is a combinationof those images. I think this distinction is more of the perception of the project. So I suppose they can be single images projected in a sequence. The only problem we discussed last week was that image 3 – the scroll – differs significantly from the other 3 because is it less abstract and more indexical. Not sure I have an idea of how to solve this problem at the moment.

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